The Architecture of Performance

Hamburg, Germany, January 30 - February 2, 2025

Improvisation as Art is the core of the creative process. It includes curiosity to take risks, to open up for the unknown and surprising as well as the skill to shape the given material – may it be text, movement, music or space. Creating and rehearsing a play, choreography or a musical score, needs a strong sense for Rhythm and Tempo.

This is where Composition comes into play. The Feeling for Composition creates contours and gives the expression of ideas, dialogues, movements, shapes and colors a deeper meaning and visible form.

In this workshop, we will explore the structure and composition of Aeschylus’ play “Agamemnon”, through physical action on the floor. We will look at different styles of performance, like tragedy, comedy, drama, clowning, and mask play.

• MCE Training module 6 

• Faculty: Elsa Valentim, Suzana Nikolic, Ulrich Meyer-Horsch

• Costs: 480,-- € (regular) / 440,-- € (early bird before Dec.31)

Workshop details

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February 3, we offer an additional Teachers Training for experienced acting teachers. Please contact for further information!

The Moving Space

Atmosphere and Playfulness

Warsaw, Poland, March 15-18, 2025

This module explores the space and the world of Eugène Ionesco’s play “The Bald Soprano”. What happens when we dive into the writer’s world and allow ourselves to be surprised by its specific dynamics, energy, language and space?

Topics: Movement in Space – Objective Atmosphere – Spatial Relationship – Personal Atmosphere – Feeling Ease, Form, Beauty and the Whole – Organic breathing – Playfulness

• MCE Training module 2

• Faculty: Grzegorz Labuda, Jakub Margosiak, Ulrich Meyer-Horsch

• Costs: 480,-- € / PLN 1600 // early bird: 440,-- € / PLN 1400

  1. Workshop details

• Contact:  and



Training Programme and Workshops




performing artists

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